List of all installed drivers:
cmd> driverquery cmd> driverquery /v
Show hardware information:
cmd> msinfo32
Winobj is a program that lets you browse the Windows NT Object Manager namespace.
The DeviceTree V2.12 utility is a Windows XP/Server 2003 utility written by OSR, that allows the user the ability to display the drivers and devices loaded in 2 different views. The first view Driver View the user sees a list of all the drivers loaded in kernel mode and all the devices that those drivers have created. In the second view PnP View the user sees a list of all the devices in the system from that of Plug and Play Manager (PnP).
Supported device classes:
cmd> devcon.exe classes
Which files used by specific driver (with "*" prints list of files for all drivers):
cmd> devcon.exe driverfiles *
Device ID (names included):
cmd> devcon.exe hwids *
Device status (running/stoped):
cmd> devcon.exe status *
All USB peripherals are required to pass the Device Framework tests in order to gain certification.
Set environment devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices to 1 and run Device Manager, select "View" --> "Show hidden devices".
If you update any driver in Device Manager backup is created with old driver under following directory:
Driver Install Frameworks (DIFx) tools allow installing driver starting from Windows 2000 and onward.
It consist from API (from library, DIFxAPI, DIFxApp) and command line tool (DPInst.exe) which can be found in WDK and their licence allow redistribution.
This command-line specifies the location of the driver package's INF file (c:toastertoastpkg.inf) and the toaster device's hardware identifier (ID), which is specified within the INF file:
cmd# devcon.exe install c:\toaster\toastpkg.inf {b85b7c50-6a01-11d2-b841-00c04fad5171}\mstoaster
To detect whether a driver loaded, check the status of the device in Device Manager.
SetupAPI logs information about device installation in a plain-text log file that you can use to verify the installation of a device and to troubleshoot device installation problems.
For Windows XP/2003 check:
For Windows Vista and later versions of Windows check:
%SystemRoot%\inf\ installation events in the device %SystemRoot%\inf\ application installation
Type of signature:
cmd> bcdedit -set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS cmd> bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON
To revert back:
cmd> bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS cmd> bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF
'certmgr.msc' present in Windows 2000 and upper.
From Windows SDK/WDK:
CertMgr Inf2Cat MakeCat MakeCert Pvk2Pfx SignTool
To register certificate in Windows 7 (or install "Admin Tools Pack" in Windows XP):
cmd> certutil -addstore TrustedPublisher cert.cer
You need get device-instance-ID-parameter:
rundll32.exe devmgr.dll,DeviceProperties_RunDLL /DeviceID "ACPI\PNP0F03\4&1A8C8C2E&0"
Windows uses the following criteria to select a driver for a device:
You can distribute a driver package through the Windows Update program if the driver package:
PCI and AGP buses: Contain subsystem ID and subsystem vendor ID (&SUBSYS in the ID string). Drivers must have VID/DID/SVID/SID PNP ID entries to be published via Windows Update.
PCI Device Subsystem IDs and Windows specifications are available at:
PCMCIA: Always specific; contains PCMCIA in the ID string.
USB: Contains VID and &PID in the ID string.
IEEE 1394: Always specific; contains 1394 in the ID string.
HID: Contains &VID and &PID in the ID string.
IDE: Contains IDEin the ID string.
Parallel Port Printers: Contain LPTENUMin the ID string.
IrDA Printers: IDs begin with HWP.