Set VAGRANT_HOME env var, like:
Default is ~/.vagrant.d for Linux and %USERPROFILE%\.vagrant.d for Windows.
It is set/updated by VirtualBox installer and was VBOX_INSTALL_PATH before 4.3.12 (2014).
Use env var VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE to control which Vagrantfile is to use:
VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile-alpine vagrant status VAGRANT_VAGRANTFILE=Vagrantfile-debian vagrant status
Plugins are required to reconfigures when Vagrant version was updated:
vagrant plugin expunge --reinstall
and possibly:
vagrant plugin update
Vagrant VM name:
config.vm.define "NAME"
VirtualBox name:
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb| = "NAME" end
Host name:
config.vm.hostname = "NAME"
Store new box from catalog locally:
$ vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64 $ vagrant box add --provider virtualbox hashicorp/precise64
Check for box updates:
$ cd $BOXDIR $ vagrant box outdated
$ vagrant box outdated --global
Disable checking for update each time you call vagrant command:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box_check_update = false end
Download box update:
$ vagrant box update
vagrant box update does not magicall updates your existing boxes. In just download updated versions. To install new versio you need to destroy and install new boxes:
$ vagrant destroy $ vagrant up
To remove box at specific version:
$ vagrant box remove laravel/homestead --box-version 1.1.0
To get list of boxes with corresponding versions:
$ vagrant box list $ vagrant global-status
Any VirtualBox VM can be packages as Vagrant box. Find VM name or UUID with:
$ VBoxManage list vms
Pass it to one of:
$ vagrant package --base $VM_NAME $ vagrant package --base $VM_UUID $ vagrant package --base $VM_NAME --output $ vagrant package --base $VM_UUID --output
If you are in Vagrant managed directory (with .vagrant subdirectory) it is as simple as:
$ vagrant package
Only one VM is packages even if Vagrant file defines several VMs.
Import packages box:
$ vagrant box add --name $NAME /path/to/ ... $ vagrant init $NAME ... $ vagrant up
To export box from local catalog:
$ vagrant box list $ vagrant box repackage NAME PROVIDER VERSION
Add environment variable:
VAGRANT_LOG=warn vagrant ssh VAGRANT_LOG=info vagrant ssh VAGRANT_LOG=debug vagrant ssh
or option:
vagrant up --debug
To add timestamps use one of:
VAGRANT_LOG_TIMESTAMP=1 vagrant up vagrant up --timestamp
To add both as option:
vagrant up --debug-timestamp
You may give name to provisioning script:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.provision 'user_ssh', type: :shell, privileged: false do |s| ssh_pub_key = File.readlines("#{Dir.home}/.ssh/").first.strip s.inline = "echo #{ssh_pub_key} >> /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys" end config.vm.provision 'root_ssh', type: :shell, privileged: true do |s| ssh_pub_key = File.readlines("#{Dir.home}/.ssh/").first.strip s.inline = "mkdir /root/.ssh/; echo #{ssh_pub_key} >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys" end ... end
and apply them individually:
vagrant provision --provision-with user_ssh vagrant provision --provision-with root_ssh vagrant provision --provision-with user_ssh,root_ssh
To copy files recursively to running box:
vagrant upload $SRC $DST vagrant upload $SRC $DST $BOXID
To copy to /home/vagrant:
vagrant upload $SRC . vagrant upload $SRC . $BOXID
To copy to /home/vagrant/$DIR:
vagrant upload $SRC $DIR vagrant upload $SRC $DIR $BOXID
There is 3rd patry option with:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-scp vagrant scp $SRC :$DST vagrant scp $SRC $BOXID:$DST
Install plugin:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-alpine Installing the 'vagrant-alpine' plugin. This can take a few minutes... Installed the plugin 'vagrant-alpine (0.3.0)'!
Create Vagrantfile:
$ vagrant init maier/alpine-3.6-x86_64