List hardware.
Command line:
- dmesg
- Messages about detecting new hardware.
- lshal -m
- monitor for hardware changes
- lspci
- All PCI devices.
- lspci -vvv
- All PCI devices. Very verbose output.
- sudo lspci -vvvnn
- All PCI devices. Very verbose output with vendor and device codes as both numbers and names.
- hwinfo --short
- Overview of all hardware, as well as more detailed info.
- lshw
- Another program for listing hardware.
- lshw -html | w3m -T text/html
- Lists hardware with HTML output in the w3m web browser.
- uptime
- Current time elapsed since last reboot, users, and load average.
- lsusb
- USB buses and attached devices.
- lsusb -vvv
- USB buses and attached devices. Very verbose output.
GUI: hardinfo, lshw-gtk.
- cat /proc/cpuinfo
- All processors, clock speeds, flags, and more.
- watch -d grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo
- CPU MHz speed monitor.
- cat /proc/loadavg
- Processor load average for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
- top
- Press C key to sort processes by CPU usage.
- sudo powertop
- CPU usage by processes, idle/freq/dev stats
For Windows 10 use coreinfo.
- free
- Total, used, and free memory.
- free -m
- Total, used, and free memory shown in MB.
- cat /proc/meminfo
- Amount of RAM and swap, and how much is being used for what.
- top
- Real-time memory consumption. Press M key to sort processes by memory usage.
$ cat /proc/meminfo
$ sudo lshw -class memory
$ sudo lshw -short -C memory
$ sudo dmidecode --type memory
$ sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
$ sudo modprobe eeprom
$ sudo decode-dimms
$ read-edid
- glxinfo
- Details about OpenGL, the Xserver, and your graphics card.
- glxinfo | grep direct
- Do you have direct 3d rendering?
- glxinfo | grep vendor
- Graphics card vendor.
- lspci | grep VGA
- Specific graphics card model.
- glxgears
- A simple 3d benchmark, prints frame rate to the terminal.
- xrandr
- Supported display resolutions.
- xdpyinfo
- Utility for displaying information about an X server, monitor DPI, resolutions, etc.
- xvinfo
- Print out X-Video extension adaptor information.
- xdriinfo
- Query configuration information of DRI drivers.
GPU-z may be used under Windows.
What cards present on system and what monitors managed by card:
$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings
$ nvidia-settings
Memory usage, GPU utilization and temperature for Nvidia cards:
$ sudo apt-get install nvidia-smi
$ nvidia-smi
- Open source drivers for GeForce cards.
$ sudo apt-get install intel-gpu-tools
Show top like statistics:
$ intel_gpu_top
Show GPU usage like time command:
$ intel_gpu_time $CMD
For fglrx driver:
$ aticonfig --odgc --odgt
- lspci | grep Audio
- Audio controller.
- aplay --list-devices
- More audio device information.
- cat /etc/issue
- Current distribution and version.
- apt-cache showpkg packagename
- Packagename’s version and dependencies.
- uname -r
- Linux kernel version.
- uname -a
- All kernel details.
- lspci | grep Ethernet
- Ethernet controllers.
- lshw -class network
- Hardware capabilities of network devices.
- sudo ethtool eth0
- Hardware capabilities of network device.
- ethtool -i eth0
- Driver info.
- ip link show
- List of netword devices and MAC addresses.
- ip addr show
- List of netword devices, assigned IP addresses and MAC addresses.
- ifconfig
- Networking interfaces, IP addresses, and more.
- df -H
- Partitions, as well as their mount-points and usage in GB.
- sudo fdisk -l
- All partitions, their device names, and positions on disk.
- hwinfo --disk or lshw -class disk
- Disk hardware info.
- smartctl
- Show S.M.A.R.T. reports about disk heals.
Detect available sensors:
$ sudo apt-get install lm-sensors
$ sudo sensors-detect
Load corresponding kernel module, like:
$ sudo modprobe coretemp
Check output:
$ sudo sensors
sensors uses /sys/class/hwmon/* hierarchy.
HDD temperature through SMART:
$ sudo hddtemp /dev/sd?
Human readable string with BIOS.motheboard names:
$ dd if=/dev/mem bs=64k skip=15 count=1 | strings
$ sudo apt-get install virt-what
$ virt-what
$ sudo apt-get install imvirt
$ imvirt
$ dmidecode -s system-product-name