All gcloud sub-commands list support --filter flag to select desired items. Read the docs:
gcloud topic filters
gcloud compute instances list --filter='name~^stage-' --format='get(name)' gcloud scheduler jobs list --filter='name~/stage-' --format='get(name)'
List health checks:
gcloud compute health-checks list --format=yaml
In order for LB to function you need to define health checks. They run outside of intranet so firewall rules have to be applied to VMs for checks to succeed:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check \ --network=default \ --action=allow \ --direction=ingress \ --source-ranges=, \ --target-tags=allow-health-check \ --rules=tcp:80
To view status and error details run:
gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates describe $NAME gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates list --format=yaml
and check codes against:
To set manages sertificate follow instructions: