sdcv is the command line version of StarDict.
If set STARDICT_DATA_DIR, sdcv uses dir $STARDICT_DATA_DIR/dic as data directory.
CLI client to dictd.
International dictionary written using Qt4.
Dictionary client for KDE.
Computer dictionary for several dictionary formats.
dicML is an XML-based markup language currently being developed to describe the contents of dictionaries.
XDXF (XML Dictionary eXchange Format) is a project to unite all existing open dictionaries and provide both users and developers with universal XML-based format, convertible from and to other popular formats like Mova, PtkDic, StarDict.
DICT is a dictionary network protocol created by the DICT Development Group. It is described by RFC 2229. Its goal is to surpass the Webster protocol and to allow clients to access more dictionaries during use. Dict servers and clients use TCP port 2628.
$ sudo apt-get install dict-jargon
A satirical, cynical and irreverent dictionary of common words:
$ sudo apt-get install dict-devil
$ sudo apt-get install dict-foldoc
GCIDE contains the full text of the 1913 Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, supplemented by many definitions from WordNet, the Century Dictionary, 1906, and many additional definitions contributed by volunteers:
$ sudo apt-get install dict-gcide
$ sudo apt-get install dict-moby-thesaurus
$ sudo apt-get install dict-wn
$ sudo apt-get install dict-elements